Wednesday, April 26, 2006

sometimes the boogers in isaiah's nose are so big that you can't focus on anything else until you get them out.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

eric and isaiah were reciting the alphabet yesterday. every letter was coming out really clear. A. "A!!" B. "B!!" C. "C!!".....V. "V!!" W. *silence* then (quietly) "bahbah". X. "X!!" Y. "Y!!" Z. "Z!!"

it might be a while before he says a triple-syllable word.

my mom, lorie, and kimmie were over on tuesday night for our weekly dinner. eric had gone into the kitchen to do something and isaiah was babbling away with us. sometimes he just sits and says names of people who are on his mind. ("andrew? andrew, wait. andrew, wait. andrew, wait." or "mama? dada? daddy? mommy? na-nee? na-nee? na-nee?!" or "luci. luci. luci. mia?" it could go on for a while.) anyway, that night he was looking for daddy. "dada? where'dhego?" isaiah, call daddy. "daaah-deee!!" eric didn't here him. i try to help. "hey, babe. he's calling you." then we hear "hey! babe! baaaabe!" no, isaiah, say daddy. hi, daddy! "HI BABE!" eric's just shaking his head in the kitchen. clearly, flashbacks of when isaiah was first learning to talk were running through his mind. isaiah used to call eric "bob"...he'd hear me calling eric "babe" and would copy. ha.

we currently need to take buddy with us wherever we go. buddy is the little stuffed dog that leslie gave isaiah when he was born. silly me thought isaiah was attached to all of his doggies and not one in particular. i learned my lesson on the half-hour ride home from the pistons game on sunday when isaiah cried the whole way asking for buddy and totally rejecting the dog i had brought. silly me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

sometimes it's just easier to post pictures... happy easter everybody!

all dressed up for easter...with my juice.

i loooove my juice.

let's go see the pistons!!

come on, bumble bee...we're going to see the pistons.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

where's isaiah??

Monday, April 10, 2006

isaiah is like his mom. he doesn't like being awake when he doesn't want to be. he is definitely not a morning person.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

sweet boy or ad for "feed the hungry children"?

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