Monday, September 03, 2012

i have an eight-year-old.  EIGHT!  three summer olympic games (and three gold medals for the uswnt, thankyouverymuch) have come and gone since isaiah was born. 

while i was pregnant with anthony, isaiah would seek out opportunities to take care of babies.  "i want to be able to help with anthony, mom.  that's why i like to take care of the babies."  so sweet.  my responsible first-born.  he is perfectly capable of serving his brothers breakfast (cereal) and drinks (chocolate milk) and can change xav's diaper.  he keeps asking me to teach him how to cook and wash dishes and do laundry.  one day i will let him do all those things, but sometimes i feel like i expect too much from him already.  he has his whole life to cook and wash dishes and do laundry.  for now, he just has to be content with making his bed every day and bringing down his dirty clothes.  

we start third grade on wednesday.  i actually remember the things i learned in third grade, and now my son has reached this grade.  he is officially not a little boy anymore and can't be expected to be entertained by little kid books or games or shows.  he wants to hang out with his friends and watch super-hero movies.  i am thankful that eric is such a good dad, because i cannot hang with the super-hero/boy stuff.  i can build blocks with the best of them but i am not so great at the pretending and battling and flipping over couches and jumping off of things.  eric is excellent at all of those things and i can see how much the boys enjoy that time with him, especially isaiah. 

current interests (in no particular order):
star wars
coloring (he is really good at coloring now)
holding baby anthony
battling with his double sided sword he got from daddy for his birthday
his teeth (his two front teeth are currently growing back in...very slowly)
getting to see his friends

isaiah is smart.  he doesn't know just how capable he is, though.  this is probably my fault for expecting too much from him.  isaiah likes to get things right away.  he likes to be able to speed through his work without much effort.  he tends to get frustrated right away when he is introduced to a completely new concept.  it's like he has given up without trying.  i don't know how to combat this thought process of his, but i am determined to figure it out.  soon.  very soon.  there are only so many ways that i can remind him that his hard work pays off and has paid off in the past.  and sarcasm doesn't work.  :\  

isaiah, you are so smart and can do anything.  i am so proud of all that you have done and can do.  sometimes it takes hard work and making a lot of mistakes.  learning from those mistakes can be the best way to learn something.  don't get frustrated.  you can do it and i love you no matter what.

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