Sunday, April 11, 2010

spring break has come and gone. i asked isaiah today if he was ready to go back to school. "no!" he told me with a smile. we did a lot last week.

easter itself was really nice. the easter bunny was good to him and his brothers...and he got to go on an egg hunt at noah's house. we made it a big deal to teach isaiah and his brothers about why we celebrate easter and Jesus dying for us and opening the gates of heaven by rising from the dead. "it's not about candy and the easter bunny!" isaiah learned in school. he made up a song, too:

"haaave a happy easter. haaave a happy happy happyhappyhappy easter. haaave a happy easter. and don't forget Jesus!"

monday was bowling with nani...he got a strike! i can't remember if he hit the bumpers, but a strike is a strike, right? right! he also pounded two hot dogs and a ton of french fries while we were bowling. there's something about crinkle fries that taste so good when served at a bowling alley.

tuesday we got to play with noah and ellie. first stop was the morley candy factory. second stop was the play area at lakeside. we took a snack break at panera in the mall and i discovered that isaiah like eating asiago bagels toasted with cream cheese. who knew?

the weather was really nice so we got to go to the park almost every day with daddy. isaiah and ethan got to play with their new scooters (spiderman for isaiah, cars for ethan...just like their bed covers) a lot. it's so nice to be able to all go to the park as a family. i actually have the energy to go now that xavier is bigger and i'm not pregnant.

isaiah is such a big boy and he's such a good boy. i took all the boys shopping with me one day, and when we got home, he took owen inside and then told me that he wanted to help me bring in the shopping bags. he learned how to take xavier out of his car seat this past weekend and even tries to help ethan unbuckle from his car seat, too.

isaiah really doesn't like to be in trouble. i think more than that, he doesn't like to disappoint us. a couple times recently, he has broken a rule or done something he shouldn't have (like standing up on the dining room table and jumping off)...but we didn't yell or get mad. we just told him that he shouldn't have done that and why and to not do it again. instead of feeling better about it, i think it just made him feel worse because he didn't get punished and he ended up crying quietly because he felt so bad. he really is such a good boy. i'm really proud of him because he always tells the truth.

he really likes to sing, especially songs he picks up from hearing daddy sing with the band. "we're going downtown in an earlier round. sugar plum goin' down swingin'." love it, buddy.

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