Monday, July 03, 2006
isaiah sure knows what he wants. more importantly, he knows how to tell you what he wants. my heart breaks whenever he tries to tell me something and i can't decipher it. he gets so frustrated, and eric and i so badly want to understand. on the flip side, there are times when we know what he's asking for but don't necessarily want to give it to him. "wiggles!" "einsteins!!" "binky binky!" huh??? (us pretending we don't understand.)
isaiah likes to "cook" with me. i let him "whisk" eggs and then i hold him on my hip while i scramble them for him. he'll eat the eggs right up because he helped make them. i'll also give him a wooden spoon and a little pot with some uncooked pasta in it to "cook" while i'm fixing dinner. it's great and totally keeps him happy for at least a half hour.
it's been tough getting isaiah to drink milk. i think he'll only drink it willingly if there are other kids around him drinking milk. (thank goodness for oj fortified with calcium and vitamins a, b, c, and d!!) i've resorted to getting him to "cook" chocolate milk. we let him mix it up with a spoon and then he drinks it out of a straw. at least he's getting some milk in him. it's really cute when he says "chocolate milk."
last night i was looking through pictures of isaiah when he was a newborn. he was so tiny then and didn't know anything. we've blinked, and he's this little boy that walks and talks and laughs and plays. he makes faces and sings along to the songs he hears. i can't believe he's going to be a big brother in just over a week. i was telling eric today that it's really starting to sink in. what the heck are we getting ourselves into? two little boys! we must be nuts. i can't wait to hold them both in my arms.
isaiah likes to "cook" with me. i let him "whisk" eggs and then i hold him on my hip while i scramble them for him. he'll eat the eggs right up because he helped make them. i'll also give him a wooden spoon and a little pot with some uncooked pasta in it to "cook" while i'm fixing dinner. it's great and totally keeps him happy for at least a half hour.
it's been tough getting isaiah to drink milk. i think he'll only drink it willingly if there are other kids around him drinking milk. (thank goodness for oj fortified with calcium and vitamins a, b, c, and d!!) i've resorted to getting him to "cook" chocolate milk. we let him mix it up with a spoon and then he drinks it out of a straw. at least he's getting some milk in him. it's really cute when he says "chocolate milk."
last night i was looking through pictures of isaiah when he was a newborn. he was so tiny then and didn't know anything. we've blinked, and he's this little boy that walks and talks and laughs and plays. he makes faces and sings along to the songs he hears. i can't believe he's going to be a big brother in just over a week. i was telling eric today that it's really starting to sink in. what the heck are we getting ourselves into? two little boys! we must be nuts. i can't wait to hold them both in my arms.