Monday, July 23, 2007

ethan got a toy airplane for his birthday. he doesn't know how to play with it yet, but isaiah does. he puts his little polar bear in it and says, "mama, do you want to see what's inside?" and of course i want to know, so he opens up the front of the plane and shows me the little polar bear shoved inside.

where is the polar bear going, isaiah?
"he's going to get his face painted! he's going to the relay!"

so if you don't know already, i staff relay for life events. to a kid, it means a day of being outside and having fun, playing in tents, etc. to my kid it means 1) getting a sucker from the sucker pull and getting a prize, 2) getting your face painted, 3) getting tattoos and/or stickers, 4) getting balloon animals, and 5) getting to drink lots of juice and eat candy. oh and 6) jumping in a moonwalk. can't forget the jumping.

i really have no point, except to express that it makes me happy that isaiah has fun at my events, and that he looks forward to them and remembers them weeks and weeks later. and that it's just so silly that "the relay" is where you get your face painted. at one point "the relay" was equated to "shopping" - so whenever we'd tell isaiah we were going shopping, his face would light up and he'd ask if he was going to get his face painted. the end.

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